Why Women Need More than Female Viagra

Sexual gratification in females was relatively unknown and unaccepted until a pharmaceutical company by the name of Sprout Pharmaceuticals came up with a drug Addyi, popular by the name “Female Viagra”. This drug has come a long way since the FDA has given its approval. Although Sprout Pharmaceuticals had to strive a lot to bring Viagra for women into mainstream medicine, yet some women do need much more than just female Viagra.

Addyi was initially not accepted by many females, as they were unaware of its functionality, or were skeptical about its side effects. But eventually, awareness spread. The progress of Female Viagra has indeed been slow, but definitely steady and now with its popularity gaining wings, it has gained immense acceptance worldwide, with more and more people understanding the need and effectiveness of using Viagra for women.

Sprout Pharmaceuticals had raised an enormous amount through venture funding before it went into the approval stage, after which it spend an additional amount on marketing. This helped the popularity of female Viagra to surge ahead by leaps and bounds, gaining immense popularity and acceptance.

Earlier, women needed to totally abstain from alcohol while on this medication, but over a period of time, the FDA approval, patients simply had to stay away from their liquor two hours before consuming the medicine. Another milestone came, when female Viagra was available over the counter, with some countries not needing a prescription for people hoping to buy Viagra for women.

Despite being considered a magical drug to cure hypo sexuality, female Viagra has some limitations, which act as roadblocks in its progress. These may be in the form of psychological disorders, preexisting medical conditions or simply incompatibility with the partner. Moreover, as Sprout Pharmaceuticals has claimed, this medicine does not work on females post menopause, and this limits their reach further.

Universally, men and women have different perceptions to sex; while men see it purely as a pleasure deriving act, women attach a lot of emotional significance to it. Therefore, females often restrain themselves in bed, owing to social dogmas, which have existed; or due to any predisposed beliefs that they have been fed on since their childhood.

This act of restraining sometimes becomes second nature to women, making their sexual drive low. In these cases, females need much more than just Viagra for women, as it may not be able to clear the mental block which exists. Another reason could be incompatibility. Females see sex as an act of love making; and in the absence of love, they are unable to let go, even if they are on female Viagra.

It is common for women to neglect their bodies, and this gives them low self-esteem as they grow older. This coupled with other psychological disturbances triggers a dip in their sex drive, which may not be revived even after consuming female Viagra. This is because the condition is more psychological than hormonal. In this case, just providing Viagra for women may not be enough. It may need to be coupled with other forms of treatment including counseling and psychiatric consultancy.  

Besides this, females may also have to combat the issues of dry vagina, making intercourse a painful preposition.  Besides this, lack of estrogen may also make the tissues in the vagina thin, eventually causing a dent in their sex drive. For this, the mere use of Viagra for women is insufficient, and they need other lubricants such as vaginal estrogen, or non-medicated lubricants. These lubricants work on females post menopause as well, and hence they are very much popular.

Vaginal estrogen can be used in the cream form, which is applied in the vagina. Besides this, patients can also use it in the suppository form. However, these two require regular insertion into the vagina, which may seem to be a daunting task for many women. For these women, there is a more long term solution in the form of an estrogen releasing ring, which remains inside the vagina. This ring releases estrogen at regular intervals, and needs to be replaced every three months. Any of these estrogen inducing medications can be taken in combination with female Viagra for better results.

While female Viagra continues to rule the charts when it comes to cures for low libido in females, yet at times, alternative or additional measures need to be taken as some patients may need a lot more than just Viagra.     


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